Who is HipHopHumpDay?


HipHopHumpDay is hosted by Ken No, and airs every Wednesday, from 3 pm-6 p.m. on 88.3 WQNA, and is the only show in Springfield dedicated to bringing you best underground and local hip-hop.

Ken No is an ardent, lifetime listener of hip-hop, and he is lucky enough to have the chance to bring that love to Springfield, while providing a program that showcases the latest releases in hip-hop, from underground legends to mainstream favorites, while providing a bit of off the cuff, unfiltered banter about society, local events, and hip-hop as a community, both in Springfield and across the country.

Ken No received his M.A. in Mass Media Communication in 2015 at the University of Illinois in Springfield, Illinois and started the journey to hosting his own shows. Since that time, he’s turned one show on WQNA into four shows, and enjoys a wide audience of listeners for HipHopHumpDay and Halluci-Nation, two shows that center on hip-hop, along with the Orotund Opinion, which focuses on political news and open debate and the most recent addition, The Local Block, a show dedicated to uncensored 217 hip-hop.

While a recent change has cut the shows down to just HipHopHumpDay, it only leaves more time and effort for the audience of the show.

Moving beyond radio broadcasting, Ken No also publishes a monthly column focused on local hip-hop in Activator magazine, a local magazine centered on the Springfield and Central Illinois music scene while also focusing on interviews with local artists and creators.

Check out some of the content by Ken No in the magazine here!

Based in Springfield, Illinois, the Iowa native plans on continuing his current programs while seeking to expand his reach into other venues and forums within the broadcast and communication fields.